

Let's start with your journey and what to expect...

1. Contact me1.

Contact us by phone, email, or via the contact form to arrange a free no obigation discovery call

2. Initial Consultation

At our first session, I will ask questions about your current situation, your goals, and what you hope to achieve through therapy.

This is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have and for you to decide if Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is right for you

3. Weekly Session (part 1)

The first part of the session is the solution-focused therapy part. In this part, I will help you identify your goals and build on your strengths and resources. This typically involves a conversation where I will ask you questions to help you clarify what you want to achieve and what has worked for you in the past. I will use solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) techniques to help you focus on solutions rather than problems. By the end of this part of the session, you will have a clear and specific picture of your desired outcomes, and you will feel empowered to work towards achieving them.

4. Weekly Session (part 2)

The second part of the session is the hypnosis part. In this part, I will guide you into a state of relaxation. Once you are in a hypnotic state, I will use guided imagery, using positive, confidence building language and visual descriptions to reinforce positive thoughts, behaviors, and emotions related to achieving your goals. This helps to embed the desired outcomes into your subconscious mind and can help you feel more confident and motivated to work towards achieving your goals.

5. Progress & Review

We will regularly review and revisit your goals to help you continue to make progress.

Once you have completed your hypnotherapy sessions we will discuss how you can continue your progress. This may include extra sessions or periodic check- ins.

It is essential that the client be ready to engage in the process in order for our sessions to work. Solution-focused hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful collaborative therapy that is future-focused and doesn't dwell on the past or the problem, only the solution.



Anxiety is what we feel when we are feeling stressed or worried. It can start with small life events such as interviews and presentations or big life changing events such as a breakdown of a relationship or a death of a loved one. Worries can start small, but can very quickly get out of hand, worries of death or dying is a very common example of chronic anxiety.  Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life, and low levels of anxiety is completely natural, and is what we need to get up in the morning.   Unfortunately for some, anxiety can become overwhelming and can feel like it is taking over everyday life.  This is where Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help.  By working together in a collaborative way you will learn how and why we suffer with anxiety and what you can do about


Everyone at some point in their life will suffer from stress, whether it is personal or work-related.  You will often hear people say "Im stressed".  Often when we say this it relates to events or situations in our life that we feel we don't have control of, or feelings we get when we feel we are struggling to cope.  Stress responses can feel overwhelming and at times can make you feel out of control and unable to cope.  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you cope better with stress and how it makes you feel by helping you build your emotional resilience.  It can also help with how you deal with stressful situations. 

Confidence & Low Self Esteem

Confidence and self-esteem go hand in hand.  Confidence is believing in yourself and accepting yourself for who you are.  Self-esteem is how you think and feel about yourself.  Having low self esteem will inevitably knock your confidence in yourself and your abilities.  Negative experiences can affect our confidence and self-esteem, but the good news is there are lots of things you can do to help improve how you feel.  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you to make positive changes by working together to take those small steps towards a brighter future.

Sleep Problems

Sleep is so important for our physical and mental wellbeing, so much so that when we are suffering from insomnia or not getting enough quality sleep, we will often feel quite miserable and unable to face the day ahead.  Getting a good night's sleep helps us maintain attention, boosts our immune system, and helps us to make better choices such as food and exercise.  Good quality sleep also helps us to process the trials and tribulations of the day.  With the help of a MP3 relaxation track and Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions we can help you get your sleep pattern back on track quite quickly.  Some clients have reported sleeping better after only one session.  


The NHS definition of a phobia is: "an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling, or animal."(NHS, 2018).

Phobias can start as a fear of something that over time affects everyday life, such as a fear of spiders.  The fear can be due to being subjected to a situation or can be learned from observations, such as parents being scared of something such as dogs or spiders.  Some people are fearful of spiders, but they don't necessarily avoid all situations or places that might put them in a position where they will be faced with one.  Someone who has a genuine phobia of spiders will avoid them at all costs in any situation where they are near one or even see one on tv.  If they are faced with one they will probably run out of the way, get really anxious, have palpitations, sweaty palms, etc.  This can cause real problems in our day to day lives, as depending on what the phobia is, will depend on how much this will negatively impact your life.  Fear of flying, driving, dentists, dogs etc are examples of phobias that can really have a negative impact on our lives.  Fortunately Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can really help people manage the phobic response using a Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)  technique called rewind. Using a combination of NLP and hypnotherapy we can help take the emotional fear out of the phobia allowing you to take back control.

Weight Management

We all know the health benefits of being a healthy weight.  And we think we all know the key to weight loss, eat less, exercise more....easy eh?. Then why is it so difficult? We have all been there in the slimming club queue on the 5th January vowing to lose the festive pounds, and promising to ourselves that we will be stone lighter for our summer holiday.  Yet by the 30th January most of us will have stopped going and finding every reason in the world why we can't go.  Losing and maintaining a healthy weight is very often impacted by stress and anxiety.  By working together using a solution focused approach combined with hypnotherapy we will help to reduce your anxiety and help you start to make those small steps towards a new you.   

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The NHS describe obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as a “common mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours” (NHS,2019).

An obsession is unwanted thoughts and or images that repeatedly come into your mind causing feelings of anxiety and sometimes disgust. A Compulsion is the need to repeat a behaviour or mental act in order to relieve the feelings associated with the obsession. For example: someone who has a fear of catching covid may wash their hands repeatedly until, in some cases, they will make their hands become sore. Others may have thoughts of their house burning down and so will constantly check anything that would cause a fire.  This can be debilitating to the point that some people will become so obsessed with these thoughts that they won't be able to leave the house through fears that it isn't safe.

When our stress levels are high we operate from the primitive part of the brain where we are driven by our emotions. Symptoms of OCD can be made worse when we are feeling anxious or stressed, therefore the first few sessions will be aimed at reducing stress and anxiety levels. When we reduce these levels we will start to work from the intellectual part of the brain where we are more in control of how we feel and therefore our behaviours.  


People who suffer from chronic long term stress and anxiety can develop negative health outcomes such as irritable bowel and panic disorders.  It can also impact on every day parts of our lives such as interviews and presentations and other life events that we need to do or be involved in. By working together to reduce stress and anxiety, you can quickly start to regain back control and quickly reduce the physical effects often related to high stress anxiety levels. 

If there are any other conditions that aren't listed please get in touch with me for a chat about how I may be able to support you.

Contact me

"You don't need to see the staircase to take the first step"

Martin Luther King

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