About me

My Story


About Me

Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to read my story and find out more about how solution focused hypnotherapy might be able to change your life - just like it did mine!

Where it all started

Hi, my name is Kerry, and let me first start by saying that I know how stress and anxiety can negatively impact your life.  I have been there and worn the t-shirt!  

My anxiety probably started in my early teens, but like most of us, I didn't understand or recognise it.  I have, by many people's standards, had a successful and happy life in that I have the 2 most amazing children, Beth and Sam, not to mention my furbabies, Minnie and Mable.  I am married to Mark, and I have a 1st class honors degree in Health and Community Studies, I have worked in various roles within the public sector, the last 10 years being in the NHS, working both clinically and more recently as an Improvement Coach. However, I have never really felt good enough, or that I was fulfilling my potential.  These feelings and emotions have really held me back over the years, and have caused me a great deal of stress and anxiety.  This came to a head 4 years ago when I eventually accepted that I needed help.  I had a panic attack, and it was so bad that I thought I was going to die.  For the first time in my life, I went off sick with chronic anxiety, yes, I can now say I had, and still do at times, suffer from anxiety.  I went to the GP and got signed off work for 3 months, and at the age of 42 that's where my journey really started.  The GP prescribed me anti-depressants, and after about 6 weeks, I do admit I did start to feel a bit better.  However, what I started to realise was that although the medication does help lift your mood, it doesn't change how you think.

My Turning Point

Three weeks before my sick note was due to run out, my friend recommended a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist.  I have to be honest; I was a little sceptical. Never had I considered anything like this.  Like most people, I have always been bought into the medical model, and thought medication was the only way.  Anyway, I decided that I had nothing to lose, and made the decision that I would keep an open mind and at least give one session a go. I left the session feeling like my mind had been blown!!   I remember calling my mum and saying “I am not going mad, and I now know what I can do about it”.  After only 6 sessions, I was feeling like the old me again, and in no time I was back to work!  This was when I decided that I wanted to do the training so I could help change people's lives like my hypnotherapist did for me. 

The rest, as they say, is history!  I now have the best of both worlds. I am in the fortunate position that I am able to run my hypnotherapy business around my part-time job in the NHS as an improvement coach, helping frontline teams improve services.  I love my job and helping people make lasting, positive changes to their lives.

"The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday"

Matty Mullins

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